Hands-on games and explorations
Create a Math Zine (small magazine) with these ideas (Elementary, Middle, High)
Wild.Maths — Math games, activities and stories to encourage mathematical creativity. (Elementary, Middle, High)
Challenge 24 games–your girls probably play this, but you can go much further and deeper (Elementary, Middle)
The Game of Nim — help your girls develop strategies and even move into binary computation (Elementary, Middle, High)
Printable Math puzzles –fun and challenging puzzles from +plus Magazine (Elementary, Middle)
Dara and Achi from the Mind Research Institute (Elementary, Middle)
Pentro — a great strategy game (Elementary)
Disaster Math–Expect the unexpected–combine this with natural disasters (Middle)
NCTM’s Figure This — many great group math games (Elementary, Middle)
Geometric Art and Toys — creative mathematics for all levels (Elementary, Middle)
Teach Engineering’s Math Hub–very teacher-oriented but great lessons for combining math and engineering (Elementary, Middle, High)
Mathigon: Combine math and origami! (Elementary, Middle, High)
Play and Learn with OKGO — the mathematics behind their amazing music videos (Elementary, Middle, High)

Data Science
Census at School-Make an account for your club/school and explore data with real numbers. (Elementary, Middle, High)
I used to think I didn’t like math, but now it is easier and fun.
Christina, age 13
Online Activities
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives — games and applets for almost every math concept (Elementary, Middle, High)
NCTM’s Illuminations — Brain teasers and interactive games for all levels (Elementary, Middle, High)
GeoGebra — so many opportunities to visualize math and develop spatial reasoning (Elementary, Middle, High)
Calculation Nation –join and learn with the fabulous games and challenges (Elementary, Middle, High)
PBS’ Cyberchase — so many great games and apps, mostly for younger girls (Elementary)
Jefferson Lab Math Games — great games to build and strengthen skills (Elementary, Middle)
NRICH Maths — solve problems with students all over the world (Elementary, Middle, High)